Hai semua, balik lagi, ada Tutorial baru! tapi ini kayaknya cuma berlaku ama Blogskins, soalnya belum nyoba yang Template simple, kalian tau Welcome Image? kalo kalian Click Imagenya pasti Headernya baru muncul, mau tau caranya? (Ikutti Step)
1. Kalian buka Blogger => Dashboard => Template.
2. Kalian Cari Kode
</style>3. Lalu Kalian Copas Code ini di atas Code </style> tadi
4. Lalu kalian cari Code.hallo {
margin-top: 250px;
</head>5. Lalu Copas code ini di atas code </head> tadi
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">/* toggle() checks to see if the images has already been fadedor not and sends the appropriate variables to opacity(); */function toggle(el,milli) {// Get the opacity style parameter from the imagevar currOpacity = document.getElementById(el).style.opacity;if(currOpacity != 0) { // if not fadedfade(el, milli, 100, 0);} else { // else the images is already fadedfade(el, milli, 0, 100);}}/* changeOpacity() uses three different opacity settings toachieve a cross-browser opacity changing function. Thisfunction can also be used to directly change the opacityof an element. */function changeOpacity(el,opacity) {var image = document.getElementById(el);// For Mozillaimage.style.MozOpacity = (opacity / 100);// For IEimage.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + opacity + ")";// For othersimage.style.opacity = (opacity / 100);}/* fade() will fade the image in or out based on the startingand ending opacity settings. The speed of the fade isdetermined by the variable milli (total time of the fadein milliseconds)*/function fade(el,milli,start,end) {var fadeTime = Math.round(milli/100);var i = 0; // Fade Timer// Fade inif(start < end) {for(j = start; j <= end; j++) {// define the expression to be called in setTimeout()var expr = "changeOpacity('" + el + "'," + j + ")";var timeout = i * fadeTime;// setTimeout will call 'expr' after 'timeout' millisecondssetTimeout(expr,timeout);i++;}}// Fade outelse if(start > end) {for(j = start; j >= end; j--) {var expr = "changeOpacity('" + el + "'," + j + ")";var timeout = i * fadeTime;setTimeout(expr,timeout);i++;}}}</script><div class="hallo" onClick="javascript:toggle('wise', 3000); this.style.display='none'; document.getElementById('june').style.display=''"><img src="URL WELCOME IMAGE KALIAN"style="opacity:0.4;filter:alpha(opacity=40)"onmouseover="this.style.opacity=1;this.filters.alpha.opacity=100"onmouseout="this.style.opacity=0.7;this.filters.alpha.opacity=40"/></div><div id="wise" style="filter : alpha(opacity=0); -moz-opacity : 0; opacity : 0;"><div id="june" style="display : none;">
6. Tulisan URL WELCOME IMAGE KALIAN Itu diganti dengan URL yang kalian mau
7. Kalau Sudah!! Klik Simpan!!!
sekarang ada 3 Freebies Welcome Image silahkan dipilih.
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